I’ve heard short stories aren’t to everyone’s liking but I love a good collection of brief (often weird) tales. One of my favourite books from last year was The Dangers Of Smoking In Bed by Mariana Enriquez (profoundly dark and creepy). So, here’s a small selection of short stories I wanted to tell you about. I (boldly) reckon there’s something here for everyone.
Homesick For Another World by Ottessa Moshfegh
If you’re a fan of Moshfegh’s work (Eileen; My Year Of Rest And Relaxation) then you will be happy to hear this collection is as unsettling as I had hoped it would be. I can see Eileen living in these worlds and alongside the characters Moshfegh has crafted. The Beach Boy was by far my favourite, I still think about what went down on that beach.
Hot Little Hands by Abigail Ulman
This was such a good discovery, especially as most of the stories are based in Australia (Ulman herself is Australian). There was so much nostalgia for me (good and bad) in Ulman’s words as the stories themselves dig into girlhood, womanhood and that murky area in between.
Sooner Or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea by Sarah Pinsker
As I do with most of my books, I found this second-hand and picked it up purely for the cover. I was further delighted, however, to find it was a collection of short stories and gets a lot of rave reviews. I look forward to reporting back.